Take care of your mental health

© Ana Jaks / @ana.jaks

© Ana Jaks / @ana.jaks

On the surface we project the image that we know exactly what we are doing. But in our heads it’s a different story. 

We are a community of creatives whose work is constantly being subjectively judged which leads to collective feelings of anxiety, fear, lack of confidence, panic and job insecurity. This is common in the industry. Our education and jobs give us both unimaginable purpose, fulfilment, encounters and experiences with truly inspirational people, but it also comes with a pressure to be the most talented, confident and ambitious individuals.

It’s critical to be compassionate to your own unique personalities and to structure your working days in a way that leaves you feeling happy, energised, proud and well balanced. We need to understand which thought-patterns and traits are leading us to over-thinking, burnout and anxiety and make a conscious effort to change these. I encourage everyone to lead with days of happiness and peace rather than focussing on chasing validation, success and pleasing others.

So many of us have been there or are currently experiencing this on a daily basis. Here is some advice to consciously improve our mental health:

01: Accept the difficulties

Important growth doesn’t happen when you are comfortable, safe or meditating. It happens in the midst of conflict - when you’re scared, frustrated and doing the same old thing, and then you suddenly realise that you have a choice to do it differently. Embrace the uncertainty and the times that make you feel most uncomfortable and choose to face them with courage and acceptance. They are here to challenge you and propel you to the highest version of yourself.

02: Use affirmations

Use affirmations to train your mind out of negative-thinking and self-doubt. It is a muscle we need to exercise with consistency. Repeat affirmations or write them down daily. Today, I abandon my old habits and take up new positive ones. I believe I can achieve anything. I am already successful. I accept any challenge that comes my way and will face it with courage. I am in control and create the content of my life.

© Ana Jaks / @ana.jaks

© Ana Jaks / @ana.jaks

03: It’s the small habits

Always remember it’s the small habits that create the change. How you spend your mornings. How you talk to yourself. What you read. What you watch. Who you share your energy with. Who has access to your self-worth. This is what will change your life so be very mindful of the smaller details.

04: Celebrate yourself

We tend to glorify change and move making so often that we forget to celebrate the space where we are at right now. It’s okay to want more, but where you are now definitely deserves your time and energy and celebration. You most likely worked really hard to get here. Don’t get yourself down about where you are, celebrate how far you have come to be here instead. 

© Ana Jaks / @ana.jaks

© Ana Jaks / @ana.jaks

05: Create your perfect day

Write down what your perfect day looks like - what time you wake up, what kind of food you eat, what hobbies/activities you engage in, what kind of people you engage with and more importantly note down how you feel during your ideal day.  Realise that your perfect day is easily achievable and wake up knowing that you are the creator of your day. Set your standards high and refuse to allow anything in that does not align with it. Repeat daily.

06: Mind & body

The most important thing to remember is to ensure you are conscious and aware of how healthy your mind and body are. No external person or job role will ever be more important than your own health. Learn to put healthy boundaries in place with people and jobs to protect your inner peace and joy - nothing is more valuable than that.

Please be aware this is not a be-all and end-all guide to coping with mental health, but simply tips and guidance on how to work towards having better days. To surround yourself with similar journeys I recommend joining Invisible Visible at one of their Story Circles - tackling vulnerability, identities and so much more. And follow F*ck Being Humble with Stefanie Sword-Williams to tackle imposter-syndrome and self-doubt. 

Illustrations by Ana Jaks.

About the author

Tina Jiwa is an independent brand designer based in Birmingham who specialises in brand identity design and web design. With more than seven years experience working in multiple design disciplines, she has a strong vision to explore how design can impact the world and how her work, beliefs and passions can bring about meaningful change. 

Her branding work connects the dots between creativity, exploration and meaning. Having left her recent role as Head of Design she now looks to create her own journey of seeding new collaborations and championing the younger generation of creatives.

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Tina Jiwa

Tina is an independent Brand Designer based in Birmingham who specialises in Brand Identity Design and Web Design. With more than 7 years of experience working in multiple design disciplines, she has a strong vision to explore how design can impact the world and how her work, beliefs and passions can bring about meaningful change. 

Her branding work connects the dots between creativity, exploration and meaning. Having left her recent role as Head of Design she now looks to create her own journey of seeding new collaborations and championing the younger generation of creatives.


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