Since August 2020, The Arena mentoring scheme has seen almost 400 emerging creatives come through its virtual doors, and go on to smash it in industry with the support of our incredible volunteer mentors.
We open applications for mentees twice a year in spring and autumn and keep a waiting list live for prospect mentors all year round. So if you’re keen to give back to the community and support the next generation of talent - keep reading!
What’s this all about then?
You’ve heard of that good ol’ catch 22 right? Need experience to get experience? Well Match22 aims to break that cycle with accessible mentoring for those that need it most.
Twice a year we’ll be selecting 22 mentees to benefit from the wisdom and guidance of 22 kick-ass mentors from across all corners of design and illustration.
For 12 weeks, mentors will be buddied up with a mentee, meeting at least 3 times over the programme and working together to tick off some career-launching tasks.
This is where you come in!
We’re looking for design and illustration industry professionals, with two years or more experience to share their time with some of the hottest up-and-coming talent the UK has to offer.
The disciplines of particular focus to our scheme are creative direction, design (digital, editorial, UX/UI, motion), illustration and brand strategy. This also includes creative recruiters, artist agents and similar roles.
We are particularly keen to hear from creatives that would consider themselves to be under-represented in the industry.
Keen to get involved? Here’s how it works…
We review your application and reach out if we think you’re a good fit.
We do the match-making, partnering you up with the mentee best-suited to you.
We introduce you to your mentee and provide you with a summary of their experience and goals.
Meet, chat, have a brew, get to know one another, answer questions and share your ideas!
You should meet at least three times over the 12 weeks, but other than that, the experience is yours to shape together.
We’ll host a mid-way check-in call and also a 12 week reflection session too, bringing all the mentees and mentors back together at the end of the programme to share their learnings.
Apply to become a mentor!
We run Match22 twice per year, January-March and June-August. If you're selected to be a mentor, we'll be in touch to line you up for the next wave available cohort.
If you have any questions at all surrounding the scheme, becoming a mentor or supporting the scheme in general, drop us an email on hello@thearena.org.uk.
Please note: We’re super fortunate to be inundated with applications to be both mentees and mentors every year, so we might not get back to you right away.
Looking for something a little more bespoke?
Tailor-made mentoring programmes, designed exclusively around the ambitions of your organisation, in partnership with The Arena.
Drop us an email to create something great together! lauren@thearena.org.uk